第二十一屆傳經講座 | 21st Chuen King Biblical Lecture

2017-03-17 (五) 下午7:30 to 2017-03-19 (日) 下午6:45

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講員:柯雅蓓教授 Professor Adela Yarbro Collins 

2017年3月17日(五) 晚上7時30分至9時30分
回應:李雋教授 (伯特利神學院副教務長及聖經研究教授)

2017年3月19日(日) 下午2時15分至4時15分
回應:葉漢浩教授 (本院助理教授)

2017年3月19日(日) 下午4時45分至6時45分
回應:黃慧賢博士 (本院講師)

傳        譯: 麥金華教授 ( 香港浸會大學林思齊東西學術交流研究所研究助理教授)
地  點: 城景國際二樓水晶殿 (九龍油麻地窩打老道23號)
費  用: 每位港幣$120 (共3講)
折  扣:

七折 本院校友、捐款人、支持宗派專職同工或5位以上集體報名
五折 本院文憑課程同學本人
免費 本院學位課程同學本人(需要輸入優惠編號PROMOTIONAL CODE)

報名方法:17/3 更新 - 現場報名,報名處將於3月17日晚上7時起至7時30分及3月19日下午1時50至2時15分於城景國際水晶殿外服務

場地贊助: 香港中華基督教青年會


柯雅蓓教授為美國哈佛大學哲學博士,先後在美國麥考密克神學院(McCormick Theological Seminary)、美國聖母大學(University of Notre Dame)神學系和芝加哥大學神學院任教,並自2000年起擔任美國耶魯神學院白金漢新約考據及詮釋學講座教授(Buckingham Professor of New Testament Criticism and Interpretation)。柯教授專治新約啟示錄及馬可福音,尤精於古猶太教與早期基督教天啟思想的研究,近著包括Cosmology and Eschatology in Jewish and Christian Apocalypticism、Hermeneia系列的馬可福音註釋,以及與同於耶魯神學院任教的夫婿柯約翰教授(John J. Collins)合著的King and Messiah as Son of God。柯教授為耶魯大學特倫布爾學院(Trumbull College)院士,分別於1994年及2015年獲挪威奧斯陸大學及瑞士蘇黎世大學頒授榮譽神學博士學位。她曾任2004—05年度聖經文學學會(Society of Biblical Literature)新英格蘭區會長,以及2010—11年度新約研究學會(Society for New Testament Studies)會長。

21st Chuen King Biblical Lectureship: Paul's Instructions about the Role of Women in the Church

[Lecture in English with simultaneous interpretation in Cantonese] 

Speaker:Professor Adela Yarbro Collins 
(Buckingham Professor of New Testament Criticism and Interpretation, Yale Divinity School)

17/3/2017 (Fri) 7:30-9:30pm
Lecture 1: Women as Teachers
Respondent: Professor Li Chun (Associate Dean and Professor in Biblical Studies, Bethel Bible Seminary)

19/3/2017 (Sun) 2:15-4:15pm
Lecture 2: Women as Prophets
Respondent: Professor Alex Ip (Assistant Professor, Divinity School of Chung Chi College, CUHK)

19/3/2017 (Sun) 4:45-6:45pm 
Lecture 3: Women as Office Holders
Respondent: Dr Christina Wong (Lecturer, Divinity School of Chung Chi College, CUHK)

Cantonese Interpreter: Professor George Mak
(Research Assistant Professor, David C. Lam Institute for East-West Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University)
Venue: Crystal Ballroom, 2/F, The Cityview (23 Waterloo Rd, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon) 
Fee: HK$120 (for 3 lectures) 

30% off DSCCC alumni, donor, pastoral worker of supporting churches or group purchase (5 or above)
50% off DSCCC dipolma program students
Complimentary ticket DSCCC degree program students (PROMTIONAL CODE required)

Registration: Walk-in regsitration counter will be served from 7-7:30pm on 17 March & 1:50-2:15pm at the on 19 March at the Crytral Ballroom (updated on 17 March)

Venue Sponsor: Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong

Chuen King Biblical Lectureship is established in memory of Mr. Wong Chuen-king by his son Mr. Wong Bing-lai

CV of Speaker:
Professor Adela Yarbro Collins joined Yale Divinity School in 2000 after teaching at the University of Chicago Divinity School for nine years. Prior to that, she was a professor in the Department of Theology at the University of Notre Dame. Her first teaching position was at McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago. She is serving as president of the Society for New Testament Studies from July 2010 until August 2011. She was president of the New England Region of the Society of Biblical Literature in 2004-2005. She was awarded an honorary doctorate in theology by the University of Oslo, Norway, in 1994 and a Fellowship for University Teachers by the National Endowment for the Humanities for 1995-96. Her most recent books are King and Messiah as Son of God, coauthored with John J. Collins (2009), and Mark: A Commentary in the Hermeneia commentary series, published in 2007. Among her other publications are Cosmology and Eschatology in Jewish and Christian ApocalypticismThe Beginning of the Gospel: Probings of Mark in Context; Crisis and Catharsis: The Power of the ApocalypseThe Apocalypse (New Testament Message series); and The Combat Myth in the Book of Revelation. She served as editor of the Society of Biblical Literature’s Monograph Series from 1985 to 1990. She currently serves on the editorial boards of the Hermeneia commentary series and the Journal for the Study of the New Testament Biblical Interpretation. Professor Yarbro Collins is a fellow of Trumbull College. B.A. Pomona College; M.A., Ph.D. Harvard University.

城景國際二樓水晶殿 (九龍油麻地窩打老道23號) Crystal Ballroom, 2/F, The Cityview (23 Waterloo Rd, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon)