第二十二屆傳經講座 22nd Chuen King Biblical Lectureship

2017-10-22 (日) 下午2:00 to 下午6:00



講員:劉珠嫡教授 Professor Judith M. Lieu, FBA (英國劍橋大學瑪嘉烈神學講座教授)


下午2時至2時45分 第一講:耶穌的故事和門徒的故事
下午3時至3時45分 第二講:約翰傳統的羣體和權柄模式
下午3時45至4時15分  茶點
下午4時15分至5時 第三講:從約翰傳統看上帝國的政治
下午5時至6時 小組回應及問答 (黃根春教授、陳南芬教授、王珏博士及周柬妮博士)

語言 英語 (提供粵語即時傳譯,需另租借翻譯器)
傳譯 麥金華教授 (香港浸會大學宗教及哲學系助理教授)
李   雋教授 (伯特利神學院聖經研究教授及副教務長)
地點 崇基學院神學院聖堂 (新界沙田香港中文大學崇基學院容啟東校長紀念樓G樓)
費用 講座 - 每位港幣$120 (包括三講、茶點、小組回應及問答)
租借粵語翻譯器 - 每位港幣$10 (已全部借出,感謝支持)
折扣 只適用於講座門券,不適用於租借粵語翻譯器。請輸入優惠編號及填寫相關資料以享折扣。
  折扣 優惠編號
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劉珠嫡教授 Professor Judith M. Lieu, FBA為英國著名新約學者,1980年獲伯明翰大學哲學博士,先後於伯明翰女王學院 (The Queen’s College, Birmingham)、倫敦國王學院 (King’s College London)、澳洲麥覺理大學 (Macquarie University) 任教,2007年出任英國劍橋大學瑪嘉烈神學講座教授 (Lady Margaret’s Professor of Divinity),2014年獲選為英國國家學術院院士 (Fellow of the British Academy)。

劉教授專治約翰書信和約翰福音,研究範圍涵蓋早期基督教與猶太教的關係、早期基督教的希羅文化背景、第二世紀基督教文獻和思想、新約和早期基督教的性別議題等,所著專書包括The Second and Third Epistles of John: History and Background (1986)、The Theology of the Johannine Epistles (1991)、Image and Reality: The Jews in the World of the Christians in the Second Century (1996)、Neither Jew nor Greek: Constructing Early Christianity (2002)、I, II, & III John: A Commentary (2008)Marcion and the Making of a Heretic (2015) 等。劉教授曾任多種新約期刊及叢書的編輯委員、New Testament Studies主編,以及2015—16年度新約學會 (Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas) 會長。


22nd Chuen King Biblical Lectureship: Discipleship and Community in the Johannine Tradition: Old debates and new approaches

Speaker: Professor Judith M. Lieu, FBA (Lady Margaret's Professor of Divinity, Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge)

22nd October 2017 (Sunday)

2-2:45PM Lecture 1: The story of Jesus and the story of the disciples 
3-3:45PM Lecture 2: Johannine patterns of community and authority 
3:45-4:15PM Tea reception
4:15-5PM Lecture 3: The politics of the kingdom in a Johannine perspective   
5-6PM Biblical studies faculty panel and Q&A (Professor Eric WONG, Professor Nancy TAN, Dr Sonia WONG and Dr Kanny CHOU)

Language: English (Cantonese Interpretation is provided and translation kit is available for rental)
Cantonese Interpreters: Professor George Mak (Assistant Professor, Department of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University)
Professor Li Chun (Associate Dean and Professor in Biblical Studies, Bethel Bible Seminary)
Venue: Divinity School Chapel (G/F, President Chi-tung Yung Memorial Building, Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin)

Lecture Fee - HK$120 (Inclusive of 3 lectures, tea reception, faculty panel and Q&A) 
Rental of translation kit - HK$10/ set (Sold out)


Applicable to lecture fees only. No discount for rental fees of translation kit. Please enter the PROMTIONAL CODE and fill in the related information to enjoy the discounts. 

DSCCC Alumni 30% off DSALUMNI
Full-time pastoral worker of Supporting Churches DSSUPCHU
Group Ticket (5 or above) Please select group tickets. No promotional code is required.
DSCCC dipolma programme students 50% off Please refer to the email sent by our school for the promotional code.
DSCCC degree programme students Free Please refer to the email sent by our school for the promotional code.

If the ticket information above can not be shown, please click the right bottom toRegister

Please pay lecture fees and rental fees of translation kits (if applicable) by a cheque payable to "The Chinese University of Hong Kong" with your name and email to complete your registration.

E-cheque: please email the pdf file issued by the bank to zoebelle@cuhk.edu.hk  
Paper crossed cheque: please post to "CK lecture, Divinity School of Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin"

Upon receipt of the application fees, we will send acknowlegment and e-ticket(s) to your registered email. 

CV of Speaker: Please refer to https://www.divinity.cam.ac.uk/directory/judith-lieu 

Chuen King Biblical Lectureship is established in memory of Mr. Wong Chuen-king by his son Mr. Wong Bing-lai
