2018-19 Term Commencement Service

Event Date: 
2018-09-06 (Thu) 6:00pm to 9:30pm

Date: 6th September (Thu) [Full-time students are required to attend the service. Part-time students and new students' pastors are welcome) 
Venue: Divinity School Chapel and Theology Building, Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6:00-7:15pm Term Commencement Service (Divinity School Chapel) 
7:30-8:15pm Dinner (Lodge of Theology Building) 
8:30-9:30pm Sharing - by new students' pastors (Divinity School Chapel)   

Full-time students are required to attend the service and no registiation is needed. If you are not able to attend the sercice, please submit leave application on or before 27 August;
Part-time students and new students' pastors are cordially invited to the service. Please submit only reply on or before 27 August.
Leave Application (Full-time students)      Online reply (part-time students)      Online reply (new students' pastors)