A Neo-Confucian Engagement of Centering Prayer in Forming the Self
Based on teachings about human nature and the quiet practice advocated by Thomas Keating (1923-present) and Zhu Xi朱熹(1130-1200), this paper attempts to draw Neo-Confucian insights (e.g., the li-qi theory, the zhong-yong principle, and complementary-polarity), into the teaching on Centering Prayer and forming the self. I argue that viewed through the lens of Neo-Confucianism, contemplative practice is indispensable for the transformation of selfhood.
centering prayer, quiet-sitting, Neo-Confucianism, religious dialogue, contemplation
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How to Cite
WONG, Pui Fong.
A Neo-Confucian Engagement of Centering Prayer in Forming the Self.
QUEST: Studies on Religion & Culture in Asia, [S.l.], v. 1, aug. 2016.
ISSN 2415-5993.
Available at: <https://www.theology.cuhk.edu.hk/quest/index.php/quest/article/view/24>. Date accessed: 14 feb. 2025.

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