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2018-19開學前師生營會 Term Commencement Faculty and Students’ Camp

 Registration is closed for this event
營會日期:2018年8月28日(星期二)至30日(星期四) 營會地點:香港中文大學崇基學院神學院 入營時間:8月28日下午3:00 (暫定) 離營時間:8月30日下午12:30 宿營費用:港幣$350(屆時即場支付現金;恕不找續) 歡迎未能參與全營的兼讀同學參與: 8月28日晚上7時至9時30分:綜藝式認識老師 (連晚餐) 8月29日晚上7時至9時30分:家會體驗 (連晚餐) 部份時間參與餐費:每餐港幣$60 (屆時即場支付現金;恕不找續。只適用於參加8月28日及29日晚上營會之兼讀同學) 1. 所有全時間修讀同學必須出席 2. 如同學因任何理由未能出席營會,務必於7月31日前於 網上請假,並以收到學院回覆作實。7月31日後之請假除因無可避免的原因外,所有申請理由不予考慮,同學須付全數營費。 3. 如同學無故缺席,務必於9月內將全數營費交還神學院辦公室。 Date: 28 (Tue) to 30 (Thu) August 2018 Venue: Divinity School of Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Time:Check in – 3:00pm (28 August) /Check out – 12:30pm (30 August) Camp fee: HK$350 (Please prepare cash and pay on site) For part-time student who is not able to join full camp, we highly recommend you to attend the evening events 28 August, 7-9:30pm, Variety Show – To meet the teachers (Dinner included) 29 August 7-9:30pm, Family group (1) experience (Dinner included) Dinner fee: HK$60 per meal (Please prepare cash and pay on site) 1. All full time students are required to attend the camp. 2. If you cannot attend this camp, please submit your leave application on or before 31 July. No late leave application will be considered unless it is unavoidable. 3. If you absented with no reason, you are required to pay the full camp fee to DSCCC office within September.
August 28th, 2018 3:00 PM to August 30th, 2018 12:30 PM

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