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9月24日 週四晚崇拜&週會 24 Sept Thursday Night Service & Assembly

 Registration is closed for this event
9月24日 8 - 9pm 日恆常崇拜 (主席:蕭藹琦同學,證道:李敬倫傳道) Regular Service (Leader: SIU, Oi Ki Kitty; Sermon: Preacher LEE King Lun Andrew) 9 - 9:30pm 週會:監獄事工 Assembly: Prison Ministry 全時間同學必須出席,未克出席之全時間同學請於星期三前網上請假。 Full-time students are required to attend the service. If you are not able to attend the service, please submit leave application on or Wednesday. 
September 24th, 2020 from  8:00 PM to  9:30 PM

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