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5月2日結業崇拜 Absence for End of Term Communion Service on 2 May

 Registration is closed for this event
2018-19學年已近尾聲,願你們享受這一年的校園生活。5月2日(禮拜四)乃本院舉行結業崇拜的日子,盼望你在準備考試及趕交功課之際,不要忘記這重要聚會。 當天崇拜設獻石禮,誠邀本年度準畢業生及尚未獻石的校友在本院聖堂的洗禮盆上獻上一顆自己喜愛的小石子 (石子闊度以不多於10公分為佳,並需加上姓名或記號) 。石子象徵畢業生的「同在」,讓我們在未來的禱告中,繼續記念每位畢業生。 與此同時,本院(教務)副院長黃根春教授即將榮休。黃教授自1992年起於神學院工作,迄今廿七載。為表達我們由衷的謝意,本院特於晚膳期間舉行惜別會,向黃教授送上祝福。當晚程序如下: 6:00-7:00 pm 結業聖餐崇拜 神學院聖堂 7:15-8:30 pm 晚膳 - 黃根春教授惜別會 (歡迎自備餐具) 神學樓地下大廳 ***全時間同學:*** 全時間學生必須出席:出席者不需報名;而未克出席者必須於4月23日或以前網上請假。 As the end of the 2018-19 academic year approaches, we pray that you have had an enjoyable school life. While you are busy preparing for examinations and papers, we would like to remind you on the last gathering of the year - The End of Term Communion Service on 2 May (Thursday). A stone offertory will be held during the communion service. Graduating classes of 2018-19 and alumni are cordially invited to offer a stone (of width not more than 10 cm; the stone should be with a name or mark) at the baptismal font during the communion service. The stones represent graduates of the school, and the graduates will be kept in our prayer continuously. Meanwhile, our Associate Director (Academic Affairs) Prof. Eric Wong will retire soon. Taking this opportunity, we will arrange a farewell dinner to express our sincere gratitude for Prof. Wong’s 27-year contribution and dedication since 1992. You are cordially invited to join and send blessings to our beloved Prof. Wong in hounour of his retirement. Details are as follow: 6:00-7:00 pm End of Term Communion Service Divinity School Chapel 7:15-8:30 pm Dinner – Farewell Prof. Eric Wong (You are encouraged to bring your own dining utensils) Lodge of Theology Building ***Full-time students:*** All full-time students are required to attend the dinner and service. NO registration is required. Full-time students who could not attend must apply for leave of absence online by 23 April
May 2nd, 2019 from  6:00 PM to  9:00 PM

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