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2019年10月3日 週四崇拜及週會 3 Oct 2019 Thur. night worship service and assembly

 Registration is closed for this event
7:00 pm 928五周年紀念暨聖餐崇拜(主席:周冠宗同學,證道:朱耀明牧師) 8:15 pm 週會:從雨傘到反送中-香港教會的未來(分享嘉賓:朱耀明牧師、王少勇牧師) 7:00pm 928 5th Anniversary Services (Leader: Chow Kwun Chung, Sermon: Rev. Chu Yiu-ming) 8:15 pm Assembly: From the 928 to the Anti-Extradition Bill - the future of the Hong Kong church (Sharing guests: Rev. Chu Yiu-ming, Rev. Wong Siu Yung)
October 3rd, 2019 from  6:00 PM to  9:30 PM

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